Monday, September 27, 2004

An update on the update

At the moment I'm kinda having a break on this CSS layout thingy. This is so that I can get other real life work done. But I'm already upto version 51. Which is pretty stupid considering its going to look exactly like the current site. Obviously I will fix up the CSS mess I made before.... So I'm going to call it version

The 3 is obviously for it being the second version, well its proberly not the 3rd version but I just cant be bothered to check up on how many versions there actually are.

51 is for the number of revisions done to the current version

The 5 stands for the number of days worked. Not full days, but anyday that I touch it, that pertains to the current version.

the 8 stands for the number of backups done on the current site.

Not sure if this is the correct way to "version" something, but I think it works...


Version 1: The initial incarnation of this plain white, beancounting site

Version 2: Introduced CSS

Version 3: Replaced the tables with CSS magic