Saturday, April 09, 2005


Well looks like my space at englishgardens is either gone or the server is just down. So in the mean time, just put up with the simple yet classic site layout. Its all compliant. And I should proberly find some proper space anyway.

I guess there hasnt been much hype in the way of actual webspace. Since there is blogger. Which provides space free. But for somethings you still need space. EG Pictures ofcourse you could just use picassa/hello/blogger/googlecorp.... which works just fine. Its just the CSS which needs hosting. So even a few megs will do.

Of course I could just put the CSS in the top, but the point of seperating the CSS was that I could change anything (mainly just for tweeks) and everything gets changed without me doing anything to the webpages/templates. And considering how many blogs I now have is actualy time consuming. So CSS is a good idea, untill it stops working.