Tuesday, August 31, 2004


50 %

My weblog owns 50 % of me.
Does your weblog own you?

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Email an article

I have enabled the "email an article" feature on all the blogs. This will enable users of the site to email the link of the article to a friend. Quickly and efficiently. Hooray for standardisation...

"Let's say a visitor to your blog just loves your post about The Secret Valor of Chickens. Now that visitor can let her friends know about your discovery by emailing out a link to your post. It's a great way to let your readers share what they've seen on your blog."

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Validating Rss for http://feeds.blogstreet.com/pub/88.rss -- Postami Rss Finder

Got picked by another rss agregator.... I didnt add my self but I suspect that all blogs get entered... thats how I get on it by not signing up. But it would be nice to able to manage or at least get some kinda notification about it so that I can enter the correct details etc into the data base

Validating Rss for http://feeds.blogstreet.com/pub/88.rss -- Postami Rss Finder

This is also the 700th post...

Saturday, August 07, 2004

Template Update

Just updated the templates. This was in effort to try and fix the odd looking profile box. I have also updated a few links etc.

300th D-news

Well Kinda... Got 300 posts on D-news now. Whoo. To celebrate will be posting something superspecial, not sure what But I will think of something. [its proberly going to be a postcard upload, so dont get your hopes up.]

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Quick Edit Links

Quick Edit Links has been enabled on all blogs.

"Quick Edit links give you quick and direct access to edit your posts after they've been published. You probably know the scenario well—you publish a long post, then start proofreading it on your blog. You find a mistake, so you go back to Blogger's Edit Posts page, locate the post and fix/republish it. You continue proofreading, find another mistake, and on and on. Quick Edit links take you directly to the post in Blogger, bypassing (most of) the process described previously.

Quick Edit links work their magic using cookies, so they only appear if you're logged into your Blogger account. Therefore, no one else sees them except you. To enable them, set Show Quick Editing on your Blog? to Yes in the Settings | Basic tab in Blogger"