Sunday, November 14, 2004


I have updated the CSS again.

Made the linky colour even whiter, any whiter and it would be white and opticaly invisable.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Not light enought

I have realised that CSS is working, but the colour that I have picked is very similar to black. So now I have to change the linky colour to something lighter. But there is the problem of the white back ground...

Monday, November 08, 2004

Title links enables

I have enabled title links on D-specs. So Now you can click on the title to goto the interesting link I placed there.

300th Bean Counting Post

New questions

Friday, November 05, 2004

All is now silver

Changed the black search bar on the D-postcards page to silver.

However, I kinda think that black looked good as well... Maybe another day I will experiment.


Uploaded the latest version, with the CSS fix...

Me Idiot

I have been updating the CSS and been thinking. Why isnt anything working.... Well the link is WORNG!

Atleast its not a hard technical probelm which I had to solve...


Fiddled with the CSS again.

I have called it version 12

[Note: made up version]

Bad CSS! Bad!

Its also become evident that my new CSS is not having too much luck with the Linky thing. As they are not grey, as specified.

1000th post

D-News: Hello Kitty Game

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

200 recent posts

For some reason this make me feel all warm and fuzzy.

200 Recent posts. Whooo, I finnaly made it. wasnt as hard a as I thought it might be. Would of been easyer if my scanner was working though....

now to see how long I can keep this up for, before self destructing.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

New CSS version of no version

I have uploaded the latest version of my simplistic CSS design to the internet. And hopefully that should flow through into the subsites....

Also I just realised I dont have a version for my CSS.