Sunday, October 17, 2004

I Lied

Its true I lied. WTF was I thinking when I said I was gona have an entire site fixed up and ready to roll by the end of the weekend? Especialy with the predertmined schinanigans which were to follow on Friday/Saturday.... And then Forgeting I have such a shit load of work todo this week....

Realisticly I know think its wise that I say nothing. But I'm not wise or old (I am a man though). And I predict that I will do it Friday after I have finnished my assinghment. Because its a good design and it shouldnt take this long as its so stupidly simple its not funny.... And the fact its getting on my nerves now that I have not finnished it.

Oh wait possibly friday is a bad time as I have other arrangements for that evening. Maybe I can do it Saturday. I hope.