Friday, February 18, 2005


I have fixed up the blogger "automated" url link thingys, so as always this gives me more hope. One day I hope to be able to bottle it up and sell it to unsuspecting tourists in the Queens St mall.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Picture Albums

This reminder is to help me rember to put links up on the side bar in D-pict for the albums I have.

Random Picture

Version 3.9.109

I have added a random picture square thingy from flickr. Its small so doesnt effect downloads much. Just goto tweak the placement. And proberly fix up a lot of other stuff as well, like the layout a bit.

  • Fix link to gray
  • Fix layout a bit
  • Fix blogger code
  • Fix side bar layout (re-arrange so its better some how...)
  • Tweak placement of random picture generator (put it in the middle of the side bar. and turn it into a square not a rectangle (squares are cooler))
  • Change size of Date Header
  • Re do top bit of page.