Monday, August 22, 2005

Mini Cooper Takes off

What happens when you attatch rockets to the back of a mini cooper?

[ Flying Time ]

Sunday, August 21, 2005

What is the "Flag" button?

Blogger has put a 'flag' button its its navigation bar thingy. Supposely when people click on this, blogger (assuming real people) will review the site and remove/shutdown the site/unlist it etc if its really bad. So basicly its there to notify blogger of illegal or spam activity. Not everyone hates illegal activity, but they hate spam, so I'm assuming spam will be highly targeted.

Ofcourse the spammers could always remove (its an option in the settings) the navigation bar...

[ flaged ]

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

D-pict: 50

50th post

Sunday, August 14, 2005

where the *&^% have my envelope and pencil icons gone?

The fix

Thanks internet people

Thursday, August 11, 2005


I have established the blog, that will be the hub for my internet radio program thingy.

the name might change every 3-4 days untill I find something I like.

I have also finnished recording the first program. Which I just a bit of a test program just to find out how annoying my voice really is...

The only problem is the hosting of the mp3 files...

Fixed the problem

I have managed to fix the problem where blogger, stuffs up my placement of my CSS tablythingies. Apparently theres a setting in blogger which I have to change. This I find out after many hours of trying to tweak the CSS, thinking I stuffed somthing up... Anyway, so that rather annoying problem is fixed.


I also updated the actually template, which is used for all the blogs except D-news, which has a special bling bling type page

CSS update

I have now moved the seperated CSS code to the actual pages.