I think my main problem is with D-news. I no longer feel compeled to link to stuff that is already widely available on the net already. Atleast if you know where to look. Its not my job to make it easier for people. additionaly I wasnt really getting many hits, so its a bit of a thankless job. Clearly people already know where to look. So Whats the point.
The only thing left is news related satire. Or fake news.
And even with those two things I'm not consistent or prolific enough to even get an audience. I could set goals, like one post a month.
One of the goals should be to improve my writting and practice being creative. Rather than gaining notariaty (blogariaty?) (audience).
Maybe if I leave D-news alone it will just go away. But that would be too sad to actually do.
I think if I actuallly get some closure on D-news the other blogs will benefit. So if I just update them and no D-news that should do that all by it self.