House Cleaning
Since I'm doing some work on my templates, I decided to loose the blogs that I havent updates in over 2 years, namely:
- D-Cast - podcast
- D-Comic - comic repeater service
- D-Pict - Pictures
Since I'm doing some work on my templates, I decided to loose the blogs that I havent updates in over 2 years, namely:
Since restarting my blog I have had a pretty steady audience. But recently, the last 4 days, I have had no hit. Zero. At first I thought the code was broken, but its not. I know I went 1.5 weeks without a post, but still you would think Google would be able to feed something to me....
Anyway, I feel slightly more creative atm anyway, so that's the only thing that matters.
Turns out I dont like that weird blue template either, so now its black. Anyway, I like have the new blogger stuffs. So thats good. Now all I have to do is make sure I can get in and edit some things to make the boxes shadow effect. Obviously I'm gona have to use a lighter colour so the shaddow actually shows up.... or I could have some weird light shining from the back look... I also want the side bar to be just that on the side, with the main body directly in the middle of the screen. not sure how I will work that. Maybe I can just edit the blogger template or find another template I can leach off. Will save me a lot of work.