Sunday, November 29, 2009


I have been thinking about getting a domain for a while and will put this plan into action next week. Which has got me thinking does it matter what platform I use? As the domain will be consistant and the template will be customised so you won't be able to detect if it was Blogger or WP. I do like blogger because its what I have used for so many years and it links up with the google accounts eg Picassa etc. So its neat in that way. The problem is that I feel that WP or tumblr may infact be better community wise (because they have to do things them selves) also blogger development seems to have grind to a hault. I mean its good and there is really nothing wrong with it. But WP has a iphone app, mucho importanto in the future. But I would also like to keep my archive of posts. I'm sure there is a way to export/backup if needed, but its not something I would like to go through.

The other thing I would like to do is consolidate my online presence, there are just too many sites to update, with technology as it is, its not hard to auto update other places from the one service.