Monday, October 25, 2004

linky bits not working

Well actually they do work, its just that the hover and actually colour of the links is the same as the actuall text, which makes it hard for ppl to click on stuff they cant see. Also the heads roll overs dont work....


Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Descriptions updated

I have taken the time to update all the descriptions on the various sub-blogs. To ensure they are still cutting edge, or atleast no longer crap.


Another day, another version.... Just been doing a bit of tidying up so that the next stage of tweaking it can begin. Thought about changing it over to version 4 because of this, then appropriatly decided against this.

I havent updated the templates becuase all thats changed is the description. And Its gona take a long time to upload the new templates, as I changed the name of the CSS file...

Monday, October 18, 2004

900th post

This is the 900th post.

Also this is the 100th post for D-specs.


A Scary Problem

I had a little problem when I changed over to the seperate style sheet. Initialy I put it where the old one was on the old netfirms site. But for some reason that didnt work, so I put it on the englishgardens space and it did. I have a feeling netfirms arnt too impressed with me just linking to files which cant display adds....

But it works ok now, I'm not that impressed with my overall choice of "styles" atm but at least its a start. I guess I was hoping for a bit too much. Having it work and look good in one step....


Its always nice when you get to 100. But this time its for a good cause... I have taken the CSS out of the pages, and then uploaded them. So I lied about before.... Well hopefully this will make my life easyer as it is already rolled out and all the changes that need to be made will be done in the CSS part.


Well I think its time to launch the damn thing.... So I have uploaded the template to all of the blogs.

The next step will be fixing up a few little things. (description, blog-title and the navigation area). Then cut out the CSS from the HTML and put it in a seperate file so I can update the design without having to upload new html every time...



I have updated the template so that the banner does not overlap the navbar.

It also seems like its actually working...

The lies continue

Lies is become sort of a habit.... Anyway here is version 3.97.8

As you should know, I have had a dentist appointment today. It wasnt as bad as anticipated.... And I didnt cry like a little girl, but I was still a little distressed and tired because of it. Anway I say down and slowly worked on the site.

Basicly it should be done, but since this is the first real test anything can happen.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

I Lied

Its true I lied. WTF was I thinking when I said I was gona have an entire site fixed up and ready to roll by the end of the weekend? Especialy with the predertmined schinanigans which were to follow on Friday/Saturday.... And then Forgeting I have such a shit load of work todo this week....

Realisticly I know think its wise that I say nothing. But I'm not wise or old (I am a man though). And I predict that I will do it Friday after I have finnished my assinghment. Because its a good design and it shouldnt take this long as its so stupidly simple its not funny.... And the fact its getting on my nerves now that I have not finnished it.

Oh wait possibly friday is a bad time as I have other arrangements for that evening. Maybe I can do it Saturday. I hope.

Friday, October 15, 2004


Well, seems I like punishment. I have been frustrated that the flashy banner thingy isnt working so, I moved it over to my space at, which has been kindly gifted by Farren.

And Hopefully it will work, as I know images dont work on netfirms when linked from outside sites. So maybe its the same for flash. Which is a shame.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Date header

Thinking about loosing the date header. It seems pretty pointless. Just have the date where the time is. wouldnt be so hard.

Maybe for D-news I will keep it, but for everything else its pretty redundent.


This update is ment to have no changes, as all the changes are in the CSS which I have just coppied from one of the blogger templates instead of writing it all up from scracth (there are a lot of tags....).

I have tried to comment out crap from the other css but I'm lazy and will change it some time this weekend.

Still not sure when this will be ready for full scale usage. But I'm hoping by the end of the weekend. Even if I just change the CSS to something generic it will still look ok and I can tweak it later.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Maybe its the shadow effect

I like the layout of this site. And I think I will copy it.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Another Round Number created

The 800th post for the overall site has been posted. It seems like a lot. But I think 1000 would be realy cool.

400th Post of D-news

Today D-news has racked up 400 posts, which is just a nice round number. But the number which will be most awaited for will be 500. Hopfully buy the end of the month...